The Littlefoot Crew
We are the Littlefoot Fam! Me (Margeaux), my hubs, Joshua, and August. It’s no secret, we’re flower people. We have been since the beginning of our time, August included. Josh’s first word was “flower,” and my favorite show as a little one was “The Perennial Gardner” on Iowa Public Television. Karen Strohbeen, if you’re reading this, I’m still a fan. It’s a lifestyle for us, and our flowers are just the tip of the iceberg. The name of our farm, “Littlefoot” comes from our love for the little creatures seen and unseen that make up our ecosystem. Doesn’t matter if you’re a microbe smaller than a poppy seed, you get a vote on our farm.
Our practices and philosophy
We grow with our environment and the future at the forefront of our decision-making and practices. We don’t use chemicals, toxic substances, and utilize as little plastic as possible.
Where we farm
We have an urban plot at our home in central Des Moines, IA, and a satellite plot on family land in Cumming, IA.
We’ve got our heads in the cosmos, leave us a message
Interested in our flowers? Leave us a message and we’ll reach out shortly.